Thought for the Day (or a few days)

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving week is here and then the Christmas Season will begin.  I know it will all zoom by as the days have a way of doing!  Remember to take the time to be with friends and family.  I mean to be with them, not just be there but to give them your attention and love.  Life moves so fast.  It really is short as I am realizing lately as I will never get it all done unless I live to be a 120 years old! (without disability)

We don't have to get it all done, just give it our best with no regrets!  Enjoy your Thanksgiving, count your many blessings and have a fun and joyous Christmas Season.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


October was the last time I posted here? Wow, how time can fly. Well, I have two blogs, a caring bridge and a family and much has happened since October. Excuses, that is what I am good at coming up with! I see the last post was when we were having issues with my mom, Helen. She has been having issues for quite some time actually with her Alzheimer's and medical issues.
Alzheimer's is a horrible disease, slowly taking your loved ones from you. My mother was kidnapped by this disease but Helen passed away peacefully on April 8, 2011. There were three of us there, my brother, my daughter Michelle and myself. I saw her take her last breath and we were all there for her. She was at peace finally and although I miss her and have been missing her, I am so grateful for this. I had prayed for her to go to Heaven for such a long time. I was angry at God, frustrated she had to live like this. I resolved my frustrations, counted my blessings and dug in with caregiving and making sure Helen was safe and taken care of through all this. We had many nights of calling out. Many nights of me saying, "mom, just go to sleep." I know she just couldn't as her brain did what it does as connections are lost. So many are going through this now. I pray for them. I know that now my sweet angel mother is looking after me again. I am so grateful to my parents, Aaron and Helen,for their love, a love I never doubted and it was unconditional! They are together again, looking down on me! No disabilities, smiles and joy are thiers! Thank you Heavenly Father for holding them in your arms. I am at peace as I know they are now!