Thought for the Day (or a few days)

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Time is free, but it's priceless.

It is about four days until Christmas.  How time can fly!  I know that as a young girl I could not wait until Christmas or summer or a fun trip that was planned.  It seemed so long until that day would come.  Now it comes so fast and it is over before you know.  
Are these the ponderings of an "older" woman?  


  1. Here's to you and your beautiful family! Hope great memories are made in the days ahead. God has so many blessings! Enjoy!!!
    Mrs. Linda Miller

  2. Well I have to say I feel the same way! I guess I too am an "older" woman. Everyone told me that one day I would be the same age as my Mom... I just did not realize it would happen so fast!! ;)
