Thought for the Day (or a few days)

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Time is free, but it's priceless.

Time, we have it everyday, but we seem to run out of it so often. Well, now is the time for me to get back into a healthy lifestyle. I have been "dieting", really paying attention what goes into my mouth (still having trouble with what comes out of it though).
I am doing an organized bike ride in October in Arizona,(Tour de Scottsdale) so back in the saddle. I have a problem with my hip but it seems to be that surgery is the next step and I want to try and do everything to avoid this. I am hoping less weight on my bones and healthy eating and some stretching and PT, acupuncture can help to avoid this procedure. My time is mine. I love to share it and want to use it to be the best I can be!
Off I go.............

1 comment:

  1. What ride are you doing in AZ in October? Is the Tour de Scottsdale?
